6th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games 2021 has been postponed


The 6th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games 2021 (AIMAG) has been postponed to a proposed date in the window of March 2022, due to the current widespread resurgence of the COVID-19 virus in Thailand. Because of the current rise in COVID-19 cases, and projected cases set to reach an all-time high in the near future, the 6th AIMAG Organizing Committee in consultation with the Royal Thai Government has decided to postpone the event in the interest of the health and well-being of athletes and the public at large.

Hockey has been included in this iteration of the AIMAG due to the intense working of Dato Seri Chaiyapak Siriwat, Asian Hockey Federation Vice President. Dato Seri was the primary driving force in getting hockey included and we would like to recognize his efforts and unwavering services to hockey.

The last time hockey was played as a part of Macau Indoor Asian Games was back in 2007 when Asian Hockey Federation Chief Executive and Secretary-General, Dato Tayyab Ikram was one of the leaders of the organizing committee for the Macau Indoor Asian Games in 2007.

The exact dates for the postponed 6th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games 2021 will be revealed in the near future by the OCA who have proposed a window in March of 2022.

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